photography n : the art or process of producing images on a sensitized surface (as film in a camera) by the action of light

Friday, January 13, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dear 2012,

Let's hope for a better start than 2011.
Last year started out with my first car accident, Mom had job problems, we almost lost Muggsy, and Grandpa is going through congestive heart failure.
However, good came out of 2011 also. I got accepted into MSUM (yay ^.^), I went to Warped Tour for the first time in my life, and I began dating the most amazing boy I've ever met.
Here's to fantastic relationships, graduation, and having an amazing family.
My biggest wish for 2012? I just want Grandpa Ben to be able to see me graduate <3

Longboarding on Christmas

The lighting wasn't very good so not too many of them turned out.

Beautiful sunset to end the day <3